Song of the sea
Sea dwelling human like creatures such as mermaids, sea nymphs and sirens play a prominent role in coastal
storytelling and mythology, the images in this portfolio are from times I
have been captivated by the drift of the flaxen strands of seaweed and
the sea's rhythm as it reflects the sky, transfixed and seduced by the
mystery of what is beneath the surface. My wife often teases me as I leave the house, joking that I am off to have an illicit meeting with a mermaid.
I wrote this poem about the old stories and myths that are gradually disappearing or being trivialised in our modern world.
The sea's howl is drowned
By the culling of mermaids
Bludgeoned from memory
Diced into myth
Bright tails flounder
Like beached whales
The severed siren choir
Haul heavy bones
To oceans home
Gasping, grasping at waves
Fishwives spit
At men's betrayal.
©Jason Davis 2023
Each photograph is named after a sea nymph, the daughter's of Nereus, the old man of the sea in Greek mythology.